Description of Beverly from The Coca-Cola Company site:
The product was introduced in Italy in 1969 as a non-alcoholic aperitif. Aperitifs are drinks that are consumed before meals and are believed to aid digestion. The 1971 ads for Beverly feature the slogan, “Cold as Helsinki, sparkling as Rio, dry as El Paso.” By 1978, the brand was popular enough to be featured in a company history of the Italian market and was available in both the “classic” and “white” versions. The brand continued to be sold in Italy battling against the bigger competitors, like Campari and San Pellegrino which also had products in that category. In 1991, Beverly “White” was chosen as one of the 16 products from around the world to be made available in the tasting area of the original World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta.
Here are a few photos of Beverly at Club Cool at Epcot, Disney World –
The single most-visited page on my old site was a 10-year-old photo of the Beverly drink dispenser from the World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta, which someone linked to from a Wikipedia article about the drink. And that being the top page tells you something about the thrilling nature of content.
So, I’m posting the image here and setting up a redirect from the old url, just to eliminate the disappointment of one more broken link on the World Wide Web.

For archival purposes, here are the old comments about it from the original page (more recent comments are at the bottom of this page):
Someone – Yeah…. That tasted like *&%$
Danny Lewis – Yeah, if there was anything I could relate the taste to, it is cough surup. My favorite drink, however, was the watermelon soda from China.
Mr. Thirsty – This stuff is delicious! But it’s definitely not for those with wimpy tastes. :p Too bad it’s not available in the US – I’d buy it.
Jessica – Beverly is like eating grapefruit and drinking milk. Then puking it in an ashtray and drinking it again.
Erin – Someone I know made a bet w/ his friends on how much he could drink… Search Beverley Epcot on yahoo video’s… the boys name is Matela
House4 – Beverly mostly tastes like alcohol and grapefruit. After you try it, you should go and wash your mouth out with mouth wash.
Patrick – They should get rid of Beverly before someone gets really sick. My favorite drink was all of them exept for Beverly. Where did this drink come from??
House4 – I thought it came from Germany. But some how it’s Italy. UGH that drink is nasty. It will drive your taste budds sick.
Richard – I tried Beverly at the World of Coke. All of the descriptions of its taste by the postings on this site do not come close to expressing how bad it is. It’s taste is worse than*&%$
Máire Ruadh – I like it. I don’t drink soda often, and all but Mozambique, Israel and Italy are wayyyy too sweet for me. Wish I could buy it here.
Jim – I LOVE this drink. Every time I go to EPCOT I drink it. Trying to find out how to buy some. My wife however is fairly certain I’m crazy.
Da Dawg – Beverly actually isn’t that bad. It is basicaly liquid bitter.So if you like bitter, then you’ll like Beverly.
Terry F – It tastes like scotch and sewer water mixed with black licorice steamed in castor oil.
Britt – Lived on this stuff in Epcot. Every time we got overheated we stopped by and had 1, 2, 30 cups of Beverly. Not only do I love the flavour, but it’s the only drink they have that isn’t super sweet. I wish we could buy it in Canada
Adrienne S. – Beverly tastes like dish soap and carbonated water.
Tony D – First time I tried it, I hated it; by the third trip, I loved it.
tracey – it’s nasty.
Mattie – It tastes like sprite for about half a second.……………… and then barf
John D – I actually like this a lot- at first I didn’t, but I got used to it after drinking it a few times. Definitely an acquired taste, and definitely one most people won’t like.
ratbunz – Why did they name it beverly were they mad at her?
ratbunz – My favorite was bibo I can’t remember the actual flavor but it was yellow and tasted like candy sorta if they sold that here I would buy it ill have to look on e bay or amazon or something
Maggie Woods – It was disgusting. After I tried a whole cup I thought I was going to puke!!
READ THE COMMENT AND ANSWER ME – HAVE YOU TRIED THE BEVERLY?????????????HELLO?????????????????????-nascar5
Kaylyn – I really liked the taste of Beverly. Like others have said, I think it was because it was not so sickening sweet like some of the other ones. I do not drink pop usually FYI.
Terrible – This is the worst garbage i’ve ever consumed
Great – I really liked the Beverly. I didn’t get the bitter aftertaste that people normally get. I though it rather sweet and resembling Sprite.
Taisttester – It really isn’t that bad. My sister thought she going to throw up.d :
Su – I liked it!
nutty guy – tasted like cough syrup
cookies n creme – this is the worst drink that you could possibly consume
Bob Bubbers – The people claiming they like it are liars trying to seem better than you.This soda is carbonated vomit, please don’t ever put it in your mouth.

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