Category: Books
Keep up on your French
Back in the 90s I spoke French fluently (with an Idaho accent). French is still my preferred language for profanity during heated basketball games, but it’s tough to hold on to vocabulary and fluid speech without many francophones around and with visits to France few and far between. Here are a few things that have…
Favorite Things of 2018
Another year has come and gone. Here are a few of my favorite things in 2018. Restaurant Pizzeria Limone. I’m usually the only male there and they have the worst background music ever, but their Caprese Pizza is really amazing. Here’s my TripAdvisor review. Breakfast Cereal Chocolate Cruesli is still the clear winner and will…
Book Reviews
Here are some book reviews I wrote on over the years. Many of these were audiobooks from Audible. The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #1) by Patrick Rothfuss (5 stars) I’m normally a non-fiction reader and have tried with mixed success to get into fantasy and/or science fiction. I can’t remember the…