Month: October 2015
Chez Grandma and Grandpa
The youngest was spoiled at Grandma and Grandpa’s while the rest of the family went to Orlando. Here’s the video evidence:
A couple of Hills in Switzerland
Exactly a year ago, my brother and I had finished up a business trip in Geneva and were maxing out a Swiss Rail pass on a whirlwind tour of a good chunk of the country. Here’s where my photo library says I took pictures: I finally put together “the slideshow”, which is probably too long for anyone…
Book Reviews
Here are some book reviews I wrote on over the years. Many of these were audiobooks from Audible. The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #1) by Patrick Rothfuss (5 stars) I’m normally a non-fiction reader and have tried with mixed success to get into fantasy and/or science fiction. I can’t remember the…
Halloween Tunes Mix
I enjoy collecting and organizing music almost as much as listening to it. Here’s the current state of my Halloween Mix. I was tired of variations on The Monster Mash and tried to put something together that’s actually listenable. There’s some gothic rock, some minor-key New Wave, some movie and video game soundtracks, TV theme songs,…
Harry Pottering in Orlando
Here’s the second video (first one here) over-documenting our Orlando trip last week. This one covers Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure, which include the two parts of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.