Angels Landing is a tall rock formation in Zion National Park in Southern Utah. It’s an awfully fun hike. It’s about 3 hours roundtrip and the views get progressively more impressive as you go. The last half-mile gives amateurs like me a little taste of the thrill of the mountain climbing I’ll never do. It’s just the right amount of dangerous. There are huge chains to hold on to and there’s only one short section where you can see straight down both sides of the trail.
Adding to the excitement is a sign that informs you of six deaths on the trail since 2004.

If you’re curious, you can find links to articles on each death at Wikipedia.
My first ascent was in about 1995 when I worked at Jacob Lake Inn at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. I took this photo of my feet dangling over the edge and displayed it in the convenience store as “Photo of the Day” for a couple of months. I miss those shoes.

A couple of years ago, I met up with a couple of old friends to celebrate surviving 40 years on earth by risking our lives on the hike. The most dangerous part ended up being almost missing the last shuttle of the night from the trailhead back to the campground.
In 2011, I went with the young men from our ward and encountered a rattle snake on the trail –
On the last visit (May 2015), I found this guy playing the didgeridoo at the peak –
You should go. Just be careful when you back up for photos.
More information:
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